Our world is unfair. But what do you want to do about it?
That terrible things are happening on the other side of this world. We all know. But what you do with it yourself is up to you. Do you keep looking away, or do you start taking action with small changes?
At Dailyness Care we help children living in extreme poverty.
What is Child Poverty? We speak of child poverty when there are not enough financial resources to meet basic needs.
Child poverty occurs all over the world. But in some countries and regions there is extreme child poverty. Here children do not have access to several basic needs. Such as clean drinking water, food, and medicines.
The children in this extreme poverty often work from the age of 5 years. As a result, these children cannot go to school and cannot build a future.

€40 per month
7 days a week 16 working hours a day is not crazy here.
What does Dailyness Care
At Dailyness Care we want to make a small change in the world.
For example, we ensure that our clothing is never produced in and by developing countries, and we only produce in Europe.
A blazer for €20, trousers for €18, and to complete the look, a matching skirt for €13. For little money you can walk out of the average clothing store with a completely new outfit. You can't see it, but these clothes are largely soaked in the blood and sweat of people and children involved in the production.
It's all so nice that we can get our clothes so cheaply from the well-known stores and webshops. But many people do not know that child labor and exploitation are involved here.
We donate 5% of every order to Dailyness Care.
With the money we raise at Dailyness Care, we want to help these children in poverty. By buying food, donating clothes, and building clean drinking water wells.
We do not do this through an organization. But with our own good cause. This way we can be sure that every penny ends up in the right place.
Unfortunately, you can only donate by placing an order. This is because we are not an official foundation.